domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of my Blogging Experience

Hi, today I'll write my last post, and will be about my blogging experience.
The truth is that I had a previous blog but was very secret, because I write things that I don't want to show anybody.

Personally, is very difficult to me find a favourites things like movies, objects and photos. At the beginning was a challenge, but in the way was very funny can be find the words to describe the emotions with the movies, for example.

I think that my vocabulary has been increased, and my write form has been improved. The grammar is the future challenge to improve my English level.
Write about my hobbies and personal tastes was very funny, and think that the readers only see the things that I written, without knowing me, was very interesting for me.
Other issues that I wished to write are favorite foods, favorite places and books. I really enjoyed read the blogs of my classmates, because is a good opportunity for know them unprejudiced.
In general, was a good experiencie that makes me feel that my writing skills has been increased, and  I was able to remember new words in each post.

I hope that you read my post! All was made with love!

See you soon.


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