miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


The hardest items for me are the listening activities because it's very different to hear quickly and read carefully  and give meaning.
The quiz of addiction to facebook and internet was very funny, and complete the sentences also I do enjoyed.

As I said recently, listening always be a challenge for me, and the way to improve this item es practice. I practice seeing TV series in english.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of my Blogging Experience

Hi, today I'll write my last post, and will be about my blogging experience.
The truth is that I had a previous blog but was very secret, because I write things that I don't want to show anybody.

Personally, is very difficult to me find a favourites things like movies, objects and photos. At the beginning was a challenge, but in the way was very funny can be find the words to describe the emotions with the movies, for example.

I think that my vocabulary has been increased, and my write form has been improved. The grammar is the future challenge to improve my English level.
Write about my hobbies and personal tastes was very funny, and think that the readers only see the things that I written, without knowing me, was very interesting for me.
Other issues that I wished to write are favorite foods, favorite places and books. I really enjoyed read the blogs of my classmates, because is a good opportunity for know them unprejudiced.
In general, was a good experiencie that makes me feel that my writing skills has been increased, and  I was able to remember new words in each post.

I hope that you read my post! All was made with love!

See you soon.


Tv shows and Series

Hi readers! In this oportunity I'll talk about the TV shows and Series.

To be honest, I don't usually watching tv programs or series because I haven't much time for this.

But a Tv serie that I usually watch is "Friends", my favourite serie.

"Friends" is very special because it lasted ten years and was a success, the history is very funny because it shows the life of six friends and evolution of friendship for ten years. What I like about this serie is that each character is very unique and you take them affection in the season ends. My favourite character of "Friends" is Phoebe Buffay because she is a mix of madness, innocence, tenderness and cleverness. I love she.

"Friends" is a TV program that don't spend much time, because the chapters last twenty minutes. Specially for my, although I must say I saw all seasons, chapter by chapter.

Other serie that  I would like see is "Breaking Bad" and finish watching "Game of Thrones" and "How I meet your mother".

My friends recommend me watch "House of Cards", "Amerycan Horror History" and "The orange is the new black", I have them in my list of series that I must see.

Any serie to recommend? :)

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

A career-related website

Hi, in this opportunity I'll talk about a website I think it's very helpful: The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). This website provides a lot of papers related to the politics sciences, also it has academic articles related to Health Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Letters, Applied Social Sciences, and others.

The website have a lot of items of more of fifteen different countries, it contains a browser to searching for articles, contain an alphabetic index and a section to search for different issues of academic journals.

I use frequently these papers for to do investigations and essays in my study times, provides me reasonable information and formal studies about the issues I work in my investigations. The experts send their papers and the academic journal authorizes the publication of this.

Why the website SciELO is better than others? Because it's a Library online that gives me a lot of information in a same place. It's a clean and organized website that allows to do an efficient searching.  


See you soon!

A place I'd like to visit

Hi everybody, in this time I will talk about the place I would like to visit.

When I do decide on a place I like to travel I find it hard to say because I wish to meet ... all the world!

After touring Latin America in the future, I would travel any country in the far north, for a very simple reason: in those countries are northern lights. This wonderful phenomenon can be observed in Finland, Iceland, Norway, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, among others. I don't know much about these countries, but I know I want to meet any of them to make my wish come true. I'm not sure if at the time I'll meet these places I would like to stay to live there, because I imagine that must be very cold, I might be just for a season, maybe.

Other places I'd visit, apart from the classic places in Europe (Rome, France, Barcelona, etc) are the Middle East (despite of armed conflict), Russia, Cuba and the southeastern part of Asia with countries like Thailand.

I hope to have the means in the future to meet all these wonderful places and treasure unforgettable experiences.

It seems incredible, but it is real!

My favourite Movie

Hello, this time I will talk about my favorite film.

First of all, I find it very difficult to decide about my favorite film because I think that tastes are changing over time and there are certain films that mark stages of life. For example, the film that marked my childhood was the Lion King and Tarzan. Then in my teens my favorite movie was "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain", which still remains one of my favorites, from photography, to the sensitivity with which the director presents his characters.

But the film that marked me most was "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," a mixture of many things; the first time I saw her was with someone special to me, it made me think about things I had never thought about love and many things that are difficult to explain. I love her.

I love watching movies that make you think and have unexpected endings, like "Memento" by Christopher Nolan, or "American Psycho". I also love Kubrick films, especially "The Shining," "Dr. Strangelove" and "The clokwork orange". Another director I also like is Tarantino films like "Inglourious Basterds," "Pulp Fiction" and "Django Unchained," I love them.

The last movie I saw was the first Star Wars trilogy, was a debt he had, and loved, now I have to see the trilogy in December last see the episode VII.

A photograph I like

Hello everyone, today I'll show you a picture that I love: My parents.

This photo is very special because it became my favorite photo from the time I took it. We were on vacation with my family, and it was an afternoon stroll through the Saval Park in Valdivia, in the summer of 2014.

This photo gives me a lot of peace and love and I think that reflects exactly how they felt at that time observing nature together. That is why at the time I took it I knew immediately that it was my best photographic success.

I think the pictures do travel through time and every time we see this picture again, I moved to this beautiful afternoon and that wonderful place.

After revealing pictures of that vacation I decided to enlarge this photo, frame it and give it to my parents, until today it is visible in the living room of our house.