domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

A career-related website

Hi, in this opportunity I'll talk about a website I think it's very helpful: The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). This website provides a lot of papers related to the politics sciences, also it has academic articles related to Health Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Letters, Applied Social Sciences, and others.

The website have a lot of items of more of fifteen different countries, it contains a browser to searching for articles, contain an alphabetic index and a section to search for different issues of academic journals.

I use frequently these papers for to do investigations and essays in my study times, provides me reasonable information and formal studies about the issues I work in my investigations. The experts send their papers and the academic journal authorizes the publication of this.

Why the website SciELO is better than others? Because it's a Library online that gives me a lot of information in a same place. It's a clean and organized website that allows to do an efficient searching.

See you soon!

A place I'd like to visit

Hi everybody, in this time I will talk about the place I would like to visit.

When I do decide on a place I like to travel I find it hard to say because I wish to meet ... all the world!

After touring Latin America in the future, I would travel any country in the far north, for a very simple reason: in those countries are northern lights. This wonderful phenomenon can be observed in Finland, Iceland, Norway, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, among others. I don't know much about these countries, but I know I want to meet any of them to make my wish come true. I'm not sure if at the time I'll meet these places I would like to stay to live there, because I imagine that must be very cold, I might be just for a season, maybe.

Other places I'd visit, apart from the classic places in Europe (Rome, France, Barcelona, etc) are the Middle East (despite of armed conflict), Russia, Cuba and the southeastern part of Asia with countries like Thailand.

I hope to have the means in the future to meet all these wonderful places and treasure unforgettable experiences.

It seems incredible, but it is real!

My favourite Movie

Hello, this time I will talk about my favorite film.

First of all, I find it very difficult to decide about my favorite film because I think that tastes are changing over time and there are certain films that mark stages of life. For example, the film that marked my childhood was the Lion King and Tarzan. Then in my teens my favorite movie was "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain", which still remains one of my favorites, from photography, to the sensitivity with which the director presents his characters.

But the film that marked me most was "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," a mixture of many things; the first time I saw her was with someone special to me, it made me think about things I had never thought about love and many things that are difficult to explain. I love her.

I love watching movies that make you think and have unexpected endings, like "Memento" by Christopher Nolan, or "American Psycho". I also love Kubrick films, especially "The Shining," "Dr. Strangelove" and "The clokwork orange". Another director I also like is Tarantino films like "Inglourious Basterds," "Pulp Fiction" and "Django Unchained," I love them.

The last movie I saw was the first Star Wars trilogy, was a debt he had, and loved, now I have to see the trilogy in December last see the episode VII.

A photograph I like

Hello everyone, today I'll show you a picture that I love: My parents.

This photo is very special because it became my favorite photo from the time I took it. We were on vacation with my family, and it was an afternoon stroll through the Saval Park in Valdivia, in the summer of 2014.

This photo gives me a lot of peace and love and I think that reflects exactly how they felt at that time observing nature together. That is why at the time I took it I knew immediately that it was my best photographic success.

I think the pictures do travel through time and every time we see this picture again, I moved to this beautiful afternoon and that wonderful place.

After revealing pictures of that vacation I decided to enlarge this photo, frame it and give it to my parents, until today it is visible in the living room of our house.

My Favourite Music

I think that the life without music is not to worth living. The music can be junction between people who don't know.

Mi life always has been related with the music, mi mother told me that when she was pregnant of my, she worked at the "Fair of disc" and  was all day listening to different types of music. She believes that's the reason I've always liked listening varied music and also dancing a lot.

My parents are fans of the music of the 80s, so since childhood I have been accustomed to enjoy this kind of music, in english and in spanish, including Latin rock as "Enanitos Verdes" "Soda Stereo" or "Los Prisioneros"  among others. Also from small I hear Silvio Rodriguez, who became my favorite composer and interpreter, what I like are the lyrics of their songs, which are full of poetry. The first time he came to Chile from which I had been born in 2012 and went to the concert, was very exciting. That year I went to two concerts and repeated the experience this year too. The type of music that makes Silvio is the trova and there are other singers of this genre that I like, but Silvio is the best.

Other bands I like with varied styles are "Pink Floyd", "The Smiths", "The Strokes", "Nirvana", "Pearl Jam" and other classics such as "The Beatles" and "The Doors".

I think the kind of music I hear depends on my mood and the things I want to do with music, for example, when I study I like listening to jazz and the music of the great musician Yann Tiersen. I also enjoy classical music, especially Tchaikovsky, the taste for classical music is inherited from my maternal grandmother.

In my times of relaxation I like to listen "Sigur Rós" and Celtic music, and in the parties I like dancing cumbia and salsa.

But the music that I enjoy the most is the one that often I dance; Arabic and gypsy music with all its mergers. This music I danced since I was 15 or 16 years old and is a wonderful experience.

Well you see, music is an important part of my life.

My favourite piece of technology

Hi classmates, today my post talk about my favourite piece of technology. 

Even though don't use many technology devices in my daily life (my mobile is just an ornament since battery is always low), the devices I use more are my laptop in academic time, and my tablet in my free times, but the most technology device for my is my analog camera, a beautiful gift.

I don't use frequently because I haven't all the time that I would like for taking pictures, but when I do, makes me very happy.

I think that having a camera is more than have an object, a camera is a window that makes you travel in the time. The most cool of have a analog camera is to have the photographs on paper and to constantly watch them, it's very different to have them stored in a computer, for this is my favourite piece of technology.

The process of taking a picture is more complex, because having a film with only 36 photos, I dont know how they will be until they be revealed. I think that I if had a professional or semi-professional digital camera, I wouldn't fail to use my analogic camera because it has a special mystique that makes it  different of others.

It has been my traveling companion.

Expectations for a New Semester

This new semester, apart of the regular subjects I have a elective subject that interest me too much. The career has been some  bored to me until now, but the subjects that has chosen by me  motivated me for learn something new.
The elective subject is "Armed conflict, international humanitarian law and protection of refugees" is special for understand a bit of middle- east conflicts and the rest of the conflicts in the present.

Also, I have English, I hope to increase my english level and I wish take extra courses because I want to travel a lot and  I don't want to the languaje be a impediment.

In this semester I am not participating in any extracurricular activity in the university because I spending my free time to other things. But in previous semesters I was a presenter of a radio program at school and was a member of the coordination of the Victor Jara preuniversity.

I hope to pass all my classes satisfactorily and to take a well deserved vacation at the end of the year and travel, the most beautiful way to pass the time.

My Auto Biography

Hi, in this occasion I will tell you about a bit of my life.

I was born in Santiago, a hot day of summer in December.
My birth was a an event that brought great complications to the life of my mother, but she accepted me with love and courage. But it was a beautiful event, because my arrival in the world formed a new family, and my mother chose a father to me. The best man who could have chosen and I love him. In the present I live with my parents, my sister, and my pets: the cats Olivia, Violeta and León, and the only dog, Dino. I will tell you them later, in another post.

I studied at a public high school, in the high school 1, Javiera Carrera. It was a great period; I met beautiful persons who converted in part of my life in the present.

In actuality I study at Universidad de Chile, Public Administration. I'm in fourth level and I have little to finish the career.

Apart from studying, I need to do other things in my free time; I like to draw, take pictures and dance.
In the dance I dedicate a lot of time, because I'm a dancer of an artistic collective of gypsy music and his fusions, called "Carnavalito Gitano". This is what fills my soul, I love it.

This is my gypsy family, :)