domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Expectations for a New Semester

This new semester, apart of the regular subjects I have a elective subject that interest me too much. The career has been some  bored to me until now, but the subjects that has chosen by me  motivated me for learn something new.
The elective subject is "Armed conflict, international humanitarian law and protection of refugees" is special for understand a bit of middle- east conflicts and the rest of the conflicts in the present.

Also, I have English, I hope to increase my english level and I wish take extra courses because I want to travel a lot and  I don't want to the languaje be a impediment.

In this semester I am not participating in any extracurricular activity in the university because I spending my free time to other things. But in previous semesters I was a presenter of a radio program at school and was a member of the coordination of the Victor Jara preuniversity.

I hope to pass all my classes satisfactorily and to take a well deserved vacation at the end of the year and travel, the most beautiful way to pass the time.

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